No jokes today

Seriously, no psychotic girlfriends for today’s release! This one’s genuinely sweet, folks.

Betsuma Japan was included as a furoku in the regular Betsuma back in 2011 when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, devastating the Northeastern regions of the country, and resulting in the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster. The authors at Betsuma and Shueisha wrote these stories from their hometowns in Japan, to show support for their nation’s recovery.

This particular story takes place in Tokyo. The famous Sakurazaka avenue, Tokyo, is a tree tunnel that has a spectacular view in the spring, when the sakura (or cherry blossom) is in full bloom. To give you a good idea of the place, go here: You can see it as well, no matter where you are in the world. Drag the pointer around, and see how the view changes.

There are a lot of other stories, but we’re not sure if we’ll work on them. One thing for sure though, after this short story, we’re definitely keeping an eye on Betsuma’s Yamaguchi Miyuki.



Sakura no Kimi by Yamaguchi Miyuki

On my way to school, I walk by you.

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4 thoughts on “No jokes today

  1. Hi there, i just discover this group for about…5 minutes ago and I really enjoy my stay here ^^ I’ll check the other releases as well and I’ll give them a read. Thanks for always giving us more info about the fact that mentioned in the story. I have fun reading them <3

    • Glad you like our releases! We weren’t sure anyone read our posts, so it’s great to hear that someone appreciates them. Please look out for our next releases as well. :D

      EDIT: OMG! You’re A-san from Batoto! Thanks so much for commenting on all of our projects, that was really nice of you, and for you to even come to our site to personally comment! We’re extremely excited to meet you. :D Please let us know if you ever like or dislike any of our projects. ^^

  2. juukibu says:

    I belong to a fansub in spanish called Black Bird No Fansub, I wondered if we would get permission to use the raws of “Sakura No Kimi” to re-translate it to Spanish.
    Good day! :)
    Marion Kibu-Black Bird No Fansub

    • We don’t provide raws, but to any non-English groups interested in rescanlating this series, we could offer raws in return for editing help.

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